– in the land of Alberobello –
Since 1946
An artisanal winery should have respect for nature and its development time, make use of the best collaborators in the vineyard and in the cellar, have extreme regard for consumers, always be at the forefront. This is the story of Cantina Masseria Torricella.
The valley called “Canale di Pirro” has always been famous for its particularly fertile soils suited to viticulture. After the Second World War it was divided by large estates into small parcels which were distributed to local farmers with a thirty-year management agreement. One of this farmers was Francesco Consoli. And so our journey began.
After graduating in Economics and Business, Peppe brought a bit of turmoil into the family. He and his wife Eva, both tax and financial consultants, preferred working as winegrowers and winemakers instead of doctors.
When the passion for the land and his entrepreneurial spirit, inherited from his father Vito, became one, the right conjunctures were created to give birth to a great project.
At the end of the 1990s, the family thus acquired other lands in the Canale di Pirro, which will soon be planted with vines.
In the vineyard, Peppe immediately putted his grandfather’s teachings into practice. He was also immediately supported by his father and his two brothers Francesco and Massimo.
The vineyards began to bear fruit and Peppe was clear what his future as a vigneron would be. He started a collaboration with a local winery that provided him with support and equipment to be able to make wine from the grapes, while the vines became more and more ready to produce important wines over the years.
Apulia was preparing through tourism to become one of the most popular destinations in the world. Thanks to the infallible instinct that distinguishes them, the Consoli family understood the importance of the moment and renovated the ancient Masseria Torricella. Here they created a charming agritourism, today among the most popular in the region.
In August 2020, the dream came true: the doors of Cantina Masseria Torricella officially opened. An important investment for Peppe and his family, which renovated a Masseria next to the vineyards, in which the winemaking area, the suggestive barrel room and the welcoming tasting room were created.
The winery started its collaboration with the renowned winemaker Marco Mascellani.
Today, Cantina Masseria Torricella is a well-established production reality, which tells the truth of its land through true and expressive organic wines, produced with the care and passion of the craftsman well supported by the most modern technology. We produce high quality products that reflect the precious teachings of grandfather Francesco and his infinite love for this magnificent area of Apulia.